It is common for family members to be concerned that their daughter will not be able to manage labour and need a caesarean. However, having an intellectual disability itself is not a reason for this. A caesarean birth has greater risks associated with the surgery for both mother and baby and is undertaken for medical or obstetric reasons.
Many partners and family members find it difficult seeing their loved one in pain whether they have a disability or not. During pregnancy, her health provider and particularly the midwife can spend time talking with your daughter about how best to manage labour. The midwife can:
This can be further helped by having the same midwife (known as Caseload midwifery model) for all her antenatal care, and particularly if the midwife is also able to provide care during the birth.
Disability in people can be diverse and the level of disability also varies. A woman with disability may have managed her activities of daily life reasonably well prior to becoming pregnant. However, the birth of a baby and the skills required bring additional challenges, for most women, and particularly for women with disabilities. An assessment can assist in determining whether that she is able to independently meet the needs of her baby, or whether assistance is required. This assistance may be extra support and teaching of mothercraft skills. In order for her to access this support she is likely to need additional funding through an NDIS package.
Every woman has the right to have children, and this includes women with a disability. If the woman has an intellectual disability, her IQ is not reflective of her ability to parent. Most parents need assistance at some point in their parenting whether they have a disability or not.
Coercion to terminate a pregnancy can be considered a form of Family violence. No one can coerce a woman to make this decision. Discussion with a health provider at a local Community Health Centre or through Family Planning services can assist this client to make the decision that works for her. Disability Advocacy or the Intellectual Disability Rights Service can also provide assistance in decision making in this instance.
DisAbilityMaternityCare has been established to provide women with disability and service providers information to assist in supporting them to become mothers. It is established on the premise that all women have the right to establish relationships, have consensual sex, and become mothers should they so choose.
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