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Australian College of Midwives – a professional organisation for Midwives. It does have a section for searching services by type (midwife/doula, etc..) or location.
Change – a UK based website that provided information and services for people with intellectual disability. A picture gallery for developing written materials and specific resources for pregnancy and parenting are available.
Family Planning NSW – provides factsheets and training in the area of sexuality and disability.
Maternity choices – have a range of consumer information available to assist pregnant women and their families/carers.
National Disability Insurance Scheme – information on this scheme and funding for support if your client has a disability
New South Wales Council for Intellectual Disability – this site provides information about and for people with intellectual disability.
Parenting Research Centre – The ‘Healthy Start’ section has specific pregnancy and parenting resources for parents with intellectual disability.
Pregnancy birth & baby website – A national government funded site with information related to pregnany, birth or parenting.
Raising Children Network Pregnancy – provides general pregnancy information.
Women with Disabilities Australia – a national organisation to support women with disabilities. Although not specific for maternity services, there is a section on motherhood and parenting.

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