Breastfeeding with a disability
Whether you are a first time mum or a third, everyone has an opinion about how to feed your child. Deaire, brand ambassador for disAbility Maternity Care talks about the challenges of breastfeeding with a disability.
Whether you are a first time mum or a third, everyone has an opinion about how to feed your child. Deaire, brand ambassador for disAbility Maternity Care talks about the challenges of breastfeeding with a disability.
“Don’t let anything hold you back. Find a way that works for you.” Brand ambassador Deaire talks about the importance of getting out and about as a new mum with a physical disability, and provides 5 tips on how you can do this.
The first few months after your baby is born are a crucial time for self-care. I’m going to bust one very important myth. Once the baby is born, it’s not just a quick and easy transition back. Don’t forget your body has just been through a pretty traumatic experience and now it has to readapt to a new normal.
“There were many people that doubted I could be a mum without someone else to do the physical things for me.”
Deaire, our brand ambassador speaks about getting baby-ready when you have a physical disability. She urges mothers with a disability to listen to their bodies, and consider how you might do things as you prepare for managing a newborn at home.
DisAbilityMaternityCare has been established to provide women with disability and service providers information to assist in supporting them to become mothers. It is established on the premise that all women have the right to establish relationships, have consensual sex, and become mothers should they so choose.
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